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What is Osteopathy ?

Osteopathy is a manual therapeutic method used to improve restrictions or loss of mobility in joints, muscles and viscera.
It is a natural medicine that works without allopathic drugs or appliances. It is based on the fact that manipulations of the musculoskeletal and myofascial system can relieve certain functional disorders.
The main principles of osteopathy:
"Structure governs function" 
Each structure of the body has a physiological function. Each function maintains a certain structure and this structure governs the function. For example, the digestive tract is considered a structure, digestion a function and the shape (undulations, villi, microvilli, etc.) of the intestine allows it to perform this function (digestion, role in immunity and hormonal system...). The skeleton as a bone structure, and its musculature, is of great importance in supporting other systems and organs. Thus natural mobility is necessary for a good and sustainable functioning of the nervous, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, etc. systems.
"The body must be seen as a single unit."

The concept of unity and relationship between different parts of the body: all parts of the body are connected through vascularisation, the nervous system, connective tissue (skin, muscle, ligaments, etc...), and the lymphatic and hormonal systems. The idea is to consider the human being as a whole, bringing together its physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual aspects. Osteopathy takes into account all these connections between structure and function: an organ can only function properly if its three-dimensional configuration is what it should be, and vice versa.

"The principle of self-healing"

The body has many systems of repair, adaptation, and defense or compensation. This postulate of Andrew Taylor Still, creator of osteopathy, is the spearhead of osteopathy. Like the healing of the skin, or a fractured bone that consolidates after a fracture, the ultimate goal of every osteopathic manipulation is to stimulate these intrinsic repair faculties in order to achieve natural self-healing in the patient.

"The role of the artery is absolute."

In order for a tissue (muscular, organic, osseous, nervous,...) to function correctly, it is necessary that the blood route that is feeding it, is completely free of any structural or functional obstacle. It is important that its vascularisation is adequate and that the diet has provided sufficient nutrients, both qualitatively and quantitatively. 
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