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Classical Procedure of an Osteopathy Session

A consultation lasts on average 45 minutes. It consists of three parts: 


Anamnesis: The osteopath lists and analyzes the reason(s) for consultation by specifying the characteristics of the patient's pain, history, and general state of health.  


Examination: The osteopath will perform a physical examination which includes medical, orthopedic and neurological exclusion tests.

By comparing the results of the tests to the information from the examination, the osteopath will know whether or not he or she can manage your symptoms and/or refer you to another health professional such as a doctor.

Finally, the practitioner observes your posture and manually tests the anatomical regions with less mobility. They take into account the whole body in order to understand the origin and cause of the symptom.  


Treatment: The osteopath uses gentle manual techniques adapted to each patient. Remember to bring your complementary examinations already carried out (X-ray, scanner, MRI, blood test...) so that the therapist has a full knowledge and understanding of your body. They can request additional examinations for you if necessary. 


The consultation of an osteopath does not replace other medical approaches. For the safety and well-being of the patient, a treatment in several fields is often recommended.  


The frequency of consultations is on average between 2 to 4 sessions per year and will be estimated during your first session, once the osteopathic diagnosis has been established. But there is no predefined rule because each patient is different.


It is always necessary to space the sessions of a minimum of time (15 days to 3 weeks) in order to let your body adapt. Your therapist will try to rebalance your body image so that you don't have to intervene too frequently.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or affliction.  

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