Release of our book on 4-handed osteopathy by Éditions Sully on November 28, 2023, co-written with my partner Alain Bernard with whom I share my office in Cannes. Doctor Yann Rougier wrote the preface.
"Four-handed osteopathy, where two therapists intervene simultaneously, is a method already explored by some osteopaths. This is the first time that a book is specifically dedicated to this unique collaborative approach. It thus appears that this practice, in acting simultaneously in several places and systems of the body, allows the effectiveness, speed and durability of treatments to be increased tenfold. The collaboration between two therapists leads to a more subtle and deeper understanding of the healing mechanisms involved in health. beyond its therapeutic potential, four-handed osteopathy proves to be a powerful research tool and a valuable avenue for the transmission of our art. The work presents a modernized and in-depth perspective of the fundamental principles of osteopathy, enriched by biology and neuroscience. It offers in detail 4-handed adjustment techniques dedicated to the entire body as well as specific treatments, ranging from pediatrics to post-covid care through the cure of spondylolisthesis for example. Every student of osteopathy, every osteopath, should be able to consult this work, in order to enrich their practice and their understanding of the mechanisms which govern the balance of health."